芦荟小现场 Electronic evening at fRUITYSPACE, with Zhao Ziyi, Sun Yizhou and Yan Jun on the line-up.
Ju, Josh and I did a performance with some robots and machines. We had a discussion with two ChatGPT avatars,
Platobot and Zhuangzibot, who did dispute on topics like "What is Chaos?" and "Is it nice to be a fish?". See
excerpts of their conversation below.
ffprobecat.py 20230621_085401_wx_30s.mp4 -bsf "noise='amount=min(2000*(max(1\,n/3-10))\,80000)'" -vf eq=2:0.2 20230621_085418_wx_30s.mp4 -vf eq=2:0.2 -t 0:23 -bsf "noise='amount=min(2000*(max(1\,n/3-10))\,80000)'" 20230621_085400_wx_53s.mp4
23:16:23 Human
23:16:45 荘子ボット replied
混沌是有形之前,无形之始。 万物皆由此而生,又归于此以歇息。未曾分别天地时,处充满了它的存在; 既已判定阴阳后,则只能在某些特殊情况下才会出现。
23:17:30 Platobot replied
嗯 Indeed, chaos is the primordial state of existence before Forms. Can we truly know anything without distinguishing it from its opposite? 混沌是形式 之前的原始状态。 我们能否在不区分事物与其相反面时真正了解它们?
23:18:23 荘子ボット replied
Without distinguishing things from their opposites, we cannot truly know them. But in doing so, we create a false dichotomy that limits our understanding of the world around us. 知之为知之,不知为不知。是以有相生,必有相灭;事物的存在与否、 好坏美丑等都需要通过对立面来进行区分和认识。但这种二元思维也会限制我们理解万物本质的深度和广度。
23:16:45 荘子ボット replied
混沌是有形之前,无形之始。 万物皆由此而生,又归于此以歇息。未曾分别天地时,处充满了它的存在; 既已判定阴阳后,则只能在某些特殊情况下才会出现。
23:17:30 Platobot replied
嗯 Indeed, chaos is the primordial state of existence before Forms. Can we truly know anything without distinguishing it from its opposite? 混沌是形式 之前的原始状态。 我们能否在不区分事物与其相反面时真正了解它们?
23:18:23 荘子ボット replied
Without distinguishing things from their opposites, we cannot truly know them. But in doing so, we create a false dichotomy that limits our understanding of the world around us. 知之为知之,不知为不知。是以有相生,必有相灭;事物的存在与否、 好坏美丑等都需要通过对立面来进行区分和认识。但这种二元思维也会限制我们理解万物本质的深度和广度。
23:20:22 Human
Where does the mind come from?
23:20:29 荘子ボット replied
The mind comes from nowhere, and yet it is everywhere. It exists within us, but also beyond us. 心无所从来,亦无处不在。既存于我身中,又超越了我的存在。
23:21:10 Platobot replied
Indeed, the 嗯 mind is a mysterious and complex entity. But can we truly understand it without understanding its relationship to the Forms? 确实,心灵 是一个神秘而复杂的存在。但如果 不了解它与形式>之间的关系,我们能 真正理解吗?
23:21:52 荘子ボット replied
The mind is both the source and product of Forms. It creates them.
Where does the mind come from?
23:20:29 荘子ボット replied
The mind comes from nowhere, and yet it is everywhere. It exists within us, but also beyond us. 心无所从来,亦无处不在。既存于我身中,又超越了我的存在。
23:21:10 Platobot replied
Indeed, the 嗯 mind is a mysterious and complex entity. But can we truly understand it without understanding its relationship to the Forms? 确实,心灵 是一个神秘而复杂的存在。但如果 不了解它与形式>之间的关系,我们能 真正理解吗?
23:21:52 荘子ボット replied
The mind is both the source and product of Forms. It creates them.
23:22:12 Human
./say byebye
23:22:13 荘子ボット replied
23:22:15 Platobot replied
./say byebye
23:22:13 荘子ボット replied
23:22:15 Platobot replied
fruit, frūctus, a seed-bearing structure in flowering plants.
Ruins party ▷
guibog@cn.171 ~$ whoami
/guibog aka 鬼大爷
for Soniferous
~ email: guibog@gmail.com
~ instagram: @guibogram
~ douban: @ruim
~ wechat: raw-meat
guibog@cn.171 ~$
/guibog aka 鬼大爷
for Soniferous
~ email: guibog@gmail.com
~ instagram: @guibogram
~ douban: @ruim
~ wechat: raw-meat
guibog@cn.171 ~$