After the Extrusion Forest II event, the robots moved to the White Box in 凹凸空间aotuspace and we had some shootings and sound/light saturnalia there for a week more.
20220406_233000_xx_171s.mp4 -vxf 0.1 -axf 0.11 -vf crop=768:544:384:0,tmix=frames=6:weights="1 1 1 2 3 6",curves=all='0/0 0.01/0.05 0.1/0.25 0.31/0.6 1/1',elbg=14,eq=1.2:0:3:3,selectivecolor='magentas=0 -1 0 0' -af volume=2,aeval='0.5*mod(n*cos(t/6)*val(0)\,n*cos(t/5)-200)/n+val(0)|val(0)-0.5*mod(n*sin(t/9)*val(0)\,n*cos(t/10)-200)/n' 20220424_080402_wx_70s.mp4 -ss 3.1 20220406_233040_h9_14s.mp4 20220424_080339_wx_90s.mp4 20220406_233000_xx_171s.mp4 -vg 'rate=20:out=22:1-end_rate=1:add=47-50-30|119-127-30'
Deus sive Machina expr.
Because mechanics are ingraved in the Laws of physics and there's no miracles. Because from molecules to galaxies, reality is made of moving parts following mathematical rules, some of which are still to be uncovered. God aka the Machine. Dieu c.-à-d. la Machine. Gott als die Maschine.
— Deus sive Machina.
Because mechanics are ingraved in the Laws of physics and there's no miracles. Because from molecules to galaxies, reality is made of moving parts following mathematical rules, some of which are still to be uncovered. God aka the Machine. Dieu c.-à-d. la Machine. Gott als die Maschine.
— Deus sive Machina.
凹凸, bumpy, uneven, ...
Extrusion Forest II ▷
guibog@cn.171 ~$ whoami
/guibog aka 鬼大爷
for Soniferous
~ email:
~ instagram: @guibogram
~ douban: @ruim
~ wechat: raw-meat
guibog@cn.171 ~$
/guibog aka 鬼大爷
for Soniferous
~ email:
~ instagram: @guibogram
~ douban: @ruim
~ wechat: raw-meat
guibog@cn.171 ~$